Prism efficiently heats premises during winter, while in summer, it can cool the same environment.
If you are unsure of which air curtain that suits your needs; let our product selection guide help you!
Theory and facts are great, but our heaviest selling point, you will find in real life. Here we have collected references from all over the world.
Frico knows air curtains. The company was founded in 1932 and we developed our first air curtains 50 year ago.
With whisper-quiet operation and intelligent control system, fan heater Champ ensures the perfect heat balance adaptable to each unique area of use.
With the use of ceiling fans, warm air is pushed down and equalises the temperature in the room. In many cases, heating costs can be reduced by up to 30%.
Frico was founded in 1932, which means more than 90 years of experience in developing products for the varied Nordic climate.
We can help you create your ideal environment without having to compromise on comfort, noise levels or energy efficiency.
At Frico, we are proud to be able to offer energyefficient products for a better indoor climate. We are happy to share our knowledge and valuble experience within heating and energy efficiency.
Lower your energy consumption without large investment costs with Frico’s fan convector PF Smart.
Discover the essential aspects of air curtains, from creating comfortable environments to maximizing energy efficiency.
In a room heated by infrared panel heaters, you can obtain a perceived temperature of 22°C, but only pay for a temperature of 20°C.