Air Curtain Welcomes Passengers on Board

Stena Jutlandica, Sweden

Stena Line is an international transport and travel service company and one of the world’s largest ferry operators.

Stena Jutlantica sails between Sweden and Denmark three times a day and it spends only 45 minutes at the quay before it leaves again. A long unheated passage way leads up to the foot passenger entrance. Earlier cold air was leaking in through the opening which created a draughty entrance hall.

We could not close the doors as passengers get on and off the boat constantly. Besides, we want it to look open.

Ingemar Sörensson
Stena Line Scandinavia AB

The solution was to install an air curtain to prevent the intrusion of cold or hot air and create comfort inside the opening. To handle the vibrations at sea, the air curtain was reinforced at the Frico factory. It was a relatively small alteration of a standard unit and the air curtain was compact enough to fit under the door when it is uplifted to let passengers pass.

AG4000 is discontinued and replaced by

Pamir 4200, Stylish and energy efficient air curtain for large commercial premises
Pamir 4200
Stylish and energy efficient air curtain for large commercial premises