Frico Air Curtains Installed in Restaurant With Industrial Design

Kafé Magasinet, Sweden

The company Avenyfamiljen opened several new restaurants on Tredje Långgatan in Gothenburg, Sweden during the Autumn of 2014. The restaurants, in the old auction house, have influences from different parts of the world.

Frico Air Curtain Creates a Comfortable Indoor Climate

The total area of the restaurants is 4,000 square meters and and can accommodate up to 600 guests. The entrances are protected by Frico's PA-series air curtains to create a comfortable indoor climate.

The restaurant Kafé Magasinet's premises have high ceilings and are decorated in an industrial style that gives the café a great atmosphere. A PA2200C is located at the entrance of Kafé Magasinet creating an invisible door, which means that guests can sit near the entrance without feeling any of the effects from outside.

PA2200C, Stylish air curtain for entrances, with remote and integrated control
Stylish air curtain for entrances, with remote and integrated control