Blending Michelin-Starred Dining With a Warm, Inviting Ambience

Sjömagasinet, Sweden

Sjömagasinet has an idyllic location by Gothenburg's harbour entrance and since 1999 has one star in the Guide Michelin. With Leif Mannerström as the restaurateur, and with fish & shellfish as its speciality, the restaurant has become a flagship for Swedish gastronomy since 1994.

“We have skilled and motivated staff, well aware of the significance of quality. It's a question of being precise, precise – every day” says Leif Mannerström.

A great deal is written about the restaurant, even in the international press and guide books, which naturally has contributed towards making the city of Gothenburg known for its excellent food.

We have a large number of regulars and also have many international guests. You have to live up to their expectations, every time.

Per Halling
Restaurant manager, Sjömagasinet

For Sjömagasinet the environment is incredibly important. “It is beautiful here all year round, but the summer is the best,” adds Per. It is then that our open-air restaurant is in full bloom, where guests have a view over the harbour entrance, with all the boat traffic and the steamer landing-stage with old wooden boats. As it can be chilly, even on a sunny day, it is important to protect the guests and offer a comfortable outdoor environment. Sjömagasinet has therefore chosen to install Frico's infrared halogen patio heater IH. “Our guests must be able to sit comfortably and enjoy their food” says Per.

The design of IH was an important argument for Sjömagasinet. For them it was important to find an attractive solution that is also easy to manage and appear fresh-looking for long periods. This is why we chose Frico's Swedish made infrared halogen, which is designed to withstand the rugged climate that the salt winds cause. The flexible suspension mean that IH is very easily positioned, and gives the restaurant different options in order to offer its guests maximum comfort.

IH, Effective heat for exposed and stylish outdoor environments
Effective heat for exposed and stylish outdoor environments