Quiet Solution to Cold Draught in Energy Efficient Building

CSOB, Czech Republic

The new head office of the Czech bank CSOB in Prague is the first building in Czech Republic to be LEED certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for its sustainable construction and energy efficient design features.

After it was built they discovered that cold draught was coming into the entrance, resulting in a cold working environment to the staff in the reception. The demands for solving the problem were both energy efficiency and low sound level so that the staff wouldn't be disturbed during the day.

Our solution was to install air curtains from Frico. In this case products AC Corinte and SF, both vertical to get an efficient air barrier but also a stylish installation. Thanks to our Thermozone Technology and construction of the air curtains, the sound level is kept low, and the cold air now stays on the outside.

AC Corinte is discontinued and replaced by

Sierra, Unique energy-efficient air curtain for exclusive establishments
Unique energy-efficient air curtain for exclusive establishments

SF is discontinued and replaced by

Scand, Curved and energy-efficient air curtain for revolving doors
Curved and energy-efficient air curtain for revolving doors