Frico Air Curtain in the Entrance of Museum Rewarded With Prestigious Architectural Prize

Museum of the History of the Polish Jews, Poland

The Museum of the History of the Polish Jews stands in what was once the heart of Jewish Warsaw – an area which the Nazis turned into the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Three Frico air curtains with accessories are installed in the building.

It’s one of the most important architectural designs in Warsaw, the last few years. The Museum stands in what was once the heart of Jewish Warsaw – an area which the Nazis turned into the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. This significant location, coupled with the Museum’s proximity to the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, demanded extreme thoughtfulness on the part of the building’s designers, who carefully crafted a structure that has become a symbol of the new face of Warsaw.

The design by the Finnish studio Lahdelma & Mahlamäki was selected in an international competition. In 2008, with the building still under construction, it received the prestigious Chicago Athenaeum International Architecture Award (2008).

Three Frico air curtains SF with accessories, are mounted in the main entry of this building beside the revolving door, and at the entry for the staff.

The Museum of the History of Polish Jews opened its doors to the public in April 2013. It currently functions as a cultural and educational center with a rich cultural program, including temporary exhibitions, films, debates, workshops, performances, concerts, lectures and much more. The opening of the Core Exhibition, presenting the thousand-year history of Polish Jews, is scheduled for the beginning of 2014.

SF is discontinued and replaced by

Scand, Curved and energy-efficient air curtain for revolving doors
Curved and energy-efficient air curtain for revolving doors