Stylish Vertical Air Curtains in Fresh Food Shop

Vivo Daglivs, Sweden

Vivo Daglivs in Stockholm has 200 employees. Since the shop opened 20 years ago a lot has happened.

Vivo Daglivs is now a fresh food shop with a fish counter, a charcuterie department and their own kitchen.

Vivo Daglivs is about 3450 sqm large and it offers bank services and has a bakery. The shop also has a full time food creator who arranges cooking demonstrations and different food themes continuously.

Vivo Daglivs has the vision of becoming No 1 when it comes to customer support and customer experience. That they choose to install Thermozone AD Corinte in the entrance can be seen as a part of that vision. Frico air curtains gives a comfortable indoor environment for the customers as well as for the employees.

The air curtains in polished stainless steel are installed vertically on both sides of the entrance. AD Corinte blends in with the nice environment that they have built up to give their customers an even better customer experience.

AD Corinte is discontinued and replaced by

Sierra, Unique energy-efficient air curtain for exclusive establishments
Unique energy-efficient air curtain for exclusive establishments